
Overview of Science

Careers in Science use a variety of research methods to investigate a question or solve a problem about our physical world.

Get Career Ready for Science

Find out what it takes to land a career in Science

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Earn a Degree

To work in the field of Science, you must have a strong background in science and math. Majors, minors, and degree information can be found in the Mason Catalog.   


Along with your degree, professional certifications like these may increase your employment options:

The ability to pass a background investigation and/or security clearance will increase your employment options in the field of Science conducting research in government-funded labs. Join Mason’s Clearance Ready program to learn more.


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Gain Experiences

Employers are expecting candidates to have at least six to twelve months of related experience to be competitive for full-time positions. Gain experience while you are a student at Mason.

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Market Your Skills

It is important for you to be able to clearly communicate the knowledge, skills, and experiences you have gained in and outside of the classroom. 

Below are top ways to showcase your qualifications to Science employers: 

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Career Ready

Career ready Mason grads have gone on to work for Science employers, such as: 

BODE Technology

Ceres Nanosciences

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Quest Diagnostics 

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory  



U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)


Virginia Department of Forensic Science 

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Join the Science community

Get involved with academic and professional societies to grow your network while you're still a student.