Human Resources

Overview of Human Resources

Human Resources (HR) is responsible for managing all matters related to an organization's employees, including: recruitment, training, compensation, payroll, and retention.   

Get Career Ready for Human Resources

Find out what it takes to land a career in Human Resources

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Earn a Degree

To work in the field of Human Resources, it is recommended to have a strong background in human resource management, business, psychology, conflict resolution, or public administration. Majors, minors, and degree information can be found in the Mason Catalog.   

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Gain Experiences

Employers are expecting candidates to have at least six to twelve months of related experience to be competitive for full-time positions. Gain experience while you are a student at Mason.

Here are the types of experiences most valued by Human Resources employers, and where to find them: 


Leadership positions 

  • Orientation Leader 
  • Peer Career Advisor/Mentor 
  • Resident Advisor 
  • Recruitment Chair  
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Market Your Skills

It is important for you to be able to clearly communicate the knowledge, skills and experiences you have gained in and outside of the classroom.

 Below are top ways to showcase your qualifications to Human Resources employers: 


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Career Ready

As every organization has a Human Resources function, career-ready Mason grads have gone on to work for employers, such as: 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 

Capital One 


Fairfax County Public Schools 

Fairfax County Government 

General Dynamics Information Technology 

Inova Health System 


US Department of State 

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Join the Human Resources community

Get involved with academic and professional societies to grow your network while you're still a student.